Curious Chat

Interview Questions 

  • Hello, and welcome to the Curious Ones!

    Before you start, if you’d like to learn a little bit more about tCO first, click here.

    I want to quickly thank you for taking the time to contribute to this project — I am truly appreciative, and excited for everyone to read your responses, and learn more about you, your work, and your relationship with curiosity.

    I think there’s so much we can learn from each other on this topic, so I’m glad you’re here to help us explore what it means to live curiously.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or something you’d like to discuss or recommend.


    Lara, creator of the Curious Ones

  • This interview will be used to give readers a fresh way to connect with you and your work, as well as help the Curious Ones achieve its aims.

    The more detailed you can make your responses, the better — but there are no rules when it comes to style — specific or broad; serious or lighthearted — whatever feels most natural to you!

    I may lightly edit your responses for clarity if necessary, but your words will never be taken out of context.

    Thank you again for taking the time to be here — your words are like gold dust to the Curious Ones community!